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How to implement an integration package

This guide walks through the process of implementing a LangChain integration package.

Integration packages are just Python packages that can be installed with pip install <your-package>, which contain classes that are compatible with LangChain's core interfaces.

We will cover:

  1. (Optional) How to bootstrap a new integration package
  2. How to implement components, such as chat models and vector stores, that adhere to the LangChain interface;

(Optional) bootstrapping a new integration package

In this section, we will outline 2 options for bootstrapping a new integration package, and you're welcome to use other tools if you prefer!

  1. langchain-cli: This is a command-line tool that can be used to bootstrap a new integration package with a template for LangChain components and Poetry for dependency management.
  2. Poetry: This is a Python dependency management tool that can be used to bootstrap a new Python package with dependencies. You can then add LangChain components to this package.
Option 1: langchain-cli (recommended)

In this guide, we will be using the langchain-cli to create a new integration package from a template, which can be edited to implement your LangChain components.


Boostrapping a new Python package with langchain-cli

First, install langchain-cli and poetry:

pip install langchain-cli poetry

Next, come up with a name for your package. For this guide, we'll use langchain-parrot-link. You can confirm that the name is available on PyPi by searching for it on the PyPi website.

Next, create your new Python package with langchain-cli, and navigate into the new directory with cd:

langchain-cli integration new

> The name of the integration to create (e.g. `my-integration`): parrot-link
> Name of integration in PascalCase [ParrotLink]:

cd parrot-link

Next, let's add any dependencies we need

poetry add my-integration-sdk

We can also add some typing or test dependencies in a separate poetry dependency group.

poetry add --group typing my-typing-dep
poetry add --group test my-test-dep

And finally, have poetry set up a virtual environment with your dependencies, as well as your integration package:

poetry install --with lint,typing,test,test_integration

You now have a new Python package with a template for LangChain components! This template comes with files for each integration type, and you're welcome to duplicate or delete any of these files as needed (including the associated test files).

To create any individual files from the [template], you can run e.g.:

langchain-cli integration new \
--name parrot-link \
--name-class ParrotLink \
--src integration_template/ \
--dst langchain_parrot_link/
Option 2: Poetry (manual)

In this guide, we will be using Poetry for dependency management and packaging, and you're welcome to use any other tools you prefer.


Boostrapping a new Python package with Poetry

First, install Poetry:

pip install poetry

Next, come up with a name for your package. For this guide, we'll use langchain-parrot-link. You can confirm that the name is available on PyPi by searching for it on the PyPi website.

Next, create your new Python package with Poetry, and navigate into the new directory with cd:

poetry new langchain-parrot-link
cd langchain-parrot-link

Add main dependencies using Poetry, which will add them to your pyproject.toml file:

poetry add langchain-core

We will also add some test dependencies in a separate poetry dependency group. If you are not using Poetry, we recommend adding these in a way that won't package them with your published package, or just installing them separately when you run tests.

langchain-tests will provide the standard tests we will use later. We recommended pinning these to the latest version:

Note: Replace <latest_version> with the latest version of langchain-tests below.

poetry add --group test pytest pytest-socket pytest-asyncio langchain-tests==<latest_version>

And finally, have poetry set up a virtual environment with your dependencies, as well as your integration package:

poetry install --with test

You're now ready to start writing your integration package!

Writing your integration

Let's say you're building a simple integration package that provides a ChatParrotLink chat model integration for LangChain. Here's a simple example of what your project structure might look like:

├── langchain_parrot_link/
│ ├──
│ └──
├── tests/
│ ├──
│ └──
├── pyproject.toml

All of these files should already exist from step 1, except for and! We will implement later, following the standard tests guide.

For, simply paste the contents of the chat model implementation above.

Push your package to a public Github repository

This is only required if you want to publish your integration in the LangChain documentation.

  1. Create a new repository on GitHub.
  2. Push your code to the repository.
  3. Confirm that your repository is viewable by the public (e.g. in a private browsing window, where you're not logged into Github).

Implementing LangChain components

LangChain components are subclasses of base classes in langchain-core. Examples include chat models, vector stores, tools, embedding models and retrievers.

Your integration package will typically implement a subclass of at least one of these components. Expand the tabs below to see details on each.

Refer to the Custom Chat Model Guide guide for detail on a starter chat model implementation.

You can start from the following template or langchain-cli command:

langchain-cli integration new \
--name parrot-link \
--name-class ParrotLink \
--src integration_template/ \
--dst langchain_parrot_link/
Example chat model code
"""ParrotLink chat models."""

from typing import Any, Dict, Iterator, List, Optional

from langchain_core.callbacks import (
from langchain_core.language_models import BaseChatModel
from langchain_core.messages import (
from import UsageMetadata
from langchain_core.outputs import ChatGeneration, ChatGenerationChunk, ChatResult
from pydantic import Field

class ChatParrotLink(BaseChatModel):
# TODO: Replace all TODOs in docstring. See example docstring:
"""ParrotLink chat model integration.

The default implementation echoes the first `parrot_buffer_length` characters of the input.

# TODO: Replace with relevant packages, env vars.
Install ``langchain-parrot-link`` and set environment variable ``PARROT_LINK_API_KEY``.

.. code-block:: bash

pip install -U langchain-parrot-link
export PARROT_LINK_API_KEY="your-api-key"

# TODO: Populate with relevant params.
Key init args — completion params:
model: str
Name of ParrotLink model to use.
temperature: float
Sampling temperature.
max_tokens: Optional[int]
Max number of tokens to generate.

# TODO: Populate with relevant params.
Key init args — client params:
timeout: Optional[float]
Timeout for requests.
max_retries: int
Max number of retries.
api_key: Optional[str]
ParrotLink API key. If not passed in will be read from env var PARROT_LINK_API_KEY.

See full list of supported init args and their descriptions in the params section.

# TODO: Replace with relevant init params.
.. code-block:: python

from langchain_parrot_link import ChatParrotLink

llm = ChatParrotLink(
# api_key="...",
# other params...

.. code-block:: python

messages = [
("system", "You are a helpful translator. Translate the user sentence to French."),
("human", "I love programming."),

.. code-block:: python

# TODO: Example output.

# TODO: Delete if token-level streaming isn't supported.
.. code-block:: python

for chunk in
print(chunk.text(), end="")

.. code-block:: python

# TODO: Example output.

.. code-block:: python

stream =
full = next(stream)
for chunk in stream:
full += chunk

.. code-block:: python

# TODO: Example output.

# TODO: Delete if native async isn't supported.
.. code-block:: python

await llm.ainvoke(messages)

# stream:
# async for chunk in (await llm.astream(messages))

# batch:
# await llm.abatch([messages])

.. code-block:: python

# TODO: Example output.

# TODO: Delete if .bind_tools() isn't supported.
Tool calling:
.. code-block:: python

from pydantic import BaseModel, Field

class GetWeather(BaseModel):
'''Get the current weather in a given location'''

location: str = Field(..., description="The city and state, e.g. San Francisco, CA")

class GetPopulation(BaseModel):
'''Get the current population in a given location'''

location: str = Field(..., description="The city and state, e.g. San Francisco, CA")

llm_with_tools = llm.bind_tools([GetWeather, GetPopulation])
ai_msg = llm_with_tools.invoke("Which city is hotter today and which is bigger: LA or NY?")

.. code-block:: python

# TODO: Example output.

See ``ChatParrotLink.bind_tools()`` method for more.

# TODO: Delete if .with_structured_output() isn't supported.
Structured output:
.. code-block:: python

from typing import Optional

from pydantic import BaseModel, Field

class Joke(BaseModel):
'''Joke to tell user.'''

setup: str = Field(description="The setup of the joke")
punchline: str = Field(description="The punchline to the joke")
rating: Optional[int] = Field(description="How funny the joke is, from 1 to 10")

structured_llm = llm.with_structured_output(Joke)
structured_llm.invoke("Tell me a joke about cats")

.. code-block:: python

# TODO: Example output.

See ``ChatParrotLink.with_structured_output()`` for more.

# TODO: Delete if JSON mode response format isn't supported.
JSON mode:
.. code-block:: python

# TODO: Replace with appropriate bind arg.
json_llm = llm.bind(response_format={"type": "json_object"})
ai_msg = json_llm.invoke("Return a JSON object with key 'random_ints' and a value of 10 random ints in [0-99]")

.. code-block:: python

# TODO: Example output.

# TODO: Delete if image inputs aren't supported.
Image input:
.. code-block:: python

import base64
import httpx
from langchain_core.messages import HumanMessage

image_url = ""
image_data = base64.b64encode(httpx.get(image_url).content).decode("utf-8")
# TODO: Replace with appropriate message content format.
message = HumanMessage(
{"type": "text", "text": "describe the weather in this image"},
"type": "image_url",
"image_url": {"url": f"data:image/jpeg;base64,{image_data}"},
ai_msg = llm.invoke([message])

.. code-block:: python

# TODO: Example output.

# TODO: Delete if audio inputs aren't supported.
Audio input:
.. code-block:: python

# TODO: Example input

.. code-block:: python

# TODO: Example output

# TODO: Delete if video inputs aren't supported.
Video input:
.. code-block:: python

# TODO: Example input

.. code-block:: python

# TODO: Example output

# TODO: Delete if token usage metadata isn't supported.
Token usage:
.. code-block:: python

ai_msg = llm.invoke(messages)

.. code-block:: python

{'input_tokens': 28, 'output_tokens': 5, 'total_tokens': 33}

# TODO: Delete if logprobs aren't supported.
.. code-block:: python

# TODO: Replace with appropriate bind arg.
logprobs_llm = llm.bind(logprobs=True)
ai_msg = logprobs_llm.invoke(messages)

.. code-block:: python

# TODO: Example output.

Response metadata
.. code-block:: python

ai_msg = llm.invoke(messages)

.. code-block:: python

# TODO: Example output.

""" # noqa: E501

model_name: str = Field(alias="model")
"""The name of the model"""
parrot_buffer_length: int
"""The number of characters from the last message of the prompt to be echoed."""
temperature: Optional[float] = None
max_tokens: Optional[int] = None
timeout: Optional[int] = None
stop: Optional[List[str]] = None
max_retries: int = 2

def _llm_type(self) -> str:
"""Return type of chat model."""
return "chat-__package_name_short__"

def _identifying_params(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
"""Return a dictionary of identifying parameters.

This information is used by the LangChain callback system, which
is used for tracing purposes make it possible to monitor LLMs.
return {
# The model name allows users to specify custom token counting
# rules in LLM monitoring applications (e.g., in LangSmith users
# can provide per token pricing for their model and monitor
# costs for the given LLM.)
"model_name": self.model_name,

def _generate(
messages: List[BaseMessage],
stop: Optional[List[str]] = None,
run_manager: Optional[CallbackManagerForLLMRun] = None,
**kwargs: Any,
) -> ChatResult:
"""Override the _generate method to implement the chat model logic.

This can be a call to an API, a call to a local model, or any other
implementation that generates a response to the input prompt.

messages: the prompt composed of a list of messages.
stop: a list of strings on which the model should stop generating.
If generation stops due to a stop token, the stop token itself
SHOULD BE INCLUDED as part of the output. This is not enforced
across models right now, but it's a good practice to follow since
it makes it much easier to parse the output of the model
downstream and understand why generation stopped.
run_manager: A run manager with callbacks for the LLM.
# Replace this with actual logic to generate a response from a list
# of messages.
last_message = messages[-1]
tokens = last_message.content[: self.parrot_buffer_length]
ct_input_tokens = sum(len(message.content) for message in messages)
ct_output_tokens = len(tokens)
message = AIMessage(
additional_kwargs={}, # Used to add additional payload to the message
response_metadata={ # Use for response metadata
"time_in_seconds": 3,
"input_tokens": ct_input_tokens,
"output_tokens": ct_output_tokens,
"total_tokens": ct_input_tokens + ct_output_tokens,

generation = ChatGeneration(message=message)
return ChatResult(generations=[generation])

def _stream(
messages: List[BaseMessage],
stop: Optional[List[str]] = None,
run_manager: Optional[CallbackManagerForLLMRun] = None,
**kwargs: Any,
) -> Iterator[ChatGenerationChunk]:
"""Stream the output of the model.

This method should be implemented if the model can generate output
in a streaming fashion. If the model does not support streaming,
do not implement it. In that case streaming requests will be automatically
handled by the _generate method.

messages: the prompt composed of a list of messages.
stop: a list of strings on which the model should stop generating.
If generation stops due to a stop token, the stop token itself
SHOULD BE INCLUDED as part of the output. This is not enforced
across models right now, but it's a good practice to follow since
it makes it much easier to parse the output of the model
downstream and understand why generation stopped.
run_manager: A run manager with callbacks for the LLM.
last_message = messages[-1]
tokens = str(last_message.content[: self.parrot_buffer_length])
ct_input_tokens = sum(len(message.content) for message in messages)

for token in tokens:
usage_metadata = UsageMetadata(
"input_tokens": ct_input_tokens,
"output_tokens": 1,
"total_tokens": ct_input_tokens + 1,
ct_input_tokens = 0
chunk = ChatGenerationChunk(
message=AIMessageChunk(content=token, usage_metadata=usage_metadata)

if run_manager:
# This is optional in newer versions of LangChain
# The on_llm_new_token will be called automatically
run_manager.on_llm_new_token(token, chunk=chunk)

yield chunk

# Let's add some other information (e.g., response metadata)
chunk = ChatGenerationChunk(
message=AIMessageChunk(content="", response_metadata={"time_in_sec": 3})
if run_manager:
# This is optional in newer versions of LangChain
# The on_llm_new_token will be called automatically
run_manager.on_llm_new_token(token, chunk=chunk)
yield chunk

# TODO: Implement if ChatParrotLink supports async streaming. Otherwise delete.
# async def _astream(
# self,
# messages: List[BaseMessage],
# stop: Optional[List[str]] = None,
# run_manager: Optional[AsyncCallbackManagerForLLMRun] = None,
# **kwargs: Any,
# ) -> AsyncIterator[ChatGenerationChunk]:

# TODO: Implement if ChatParrotLink supports async generation. Otherwise delete.
# async def _agenerate(
# self,
# messages: List[BaseMessage],
# stop: Optional[List[str]] = None,
# run_manager: Optional[AsyncCallbackManagerForLLMRun] = None,
# **kwargs: Any,
# ) -> ChatResult:

Next Steps

Now that you've implemented your package, you can move on to testing your integration for your integration and successfully run them.

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